Ultralawn, Inc. is a family-owned lawn fertilization business serving Northeast Ohio since 1976. We are a member of the Ohio Lawn Care Association and an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau. We treat your lawn as if it is our own. With over 40 years in the community, we have built a reputation for reliability and results. We know what it takes to achieve the perfect lawn in Northeastern Ohio; it’s what we do. Our customers come back year after year for one simple reason: they trust us. F or more information, and a complete list of services and programs, see our desktop website .
Specials and Alerts for Spring
Be sure to inquire and ask about our 7% prepay discounts. Are you a senior citizen who appreciates a great looking lawn? Save even more with our 5% Senior Discount.
Don’t get crabby over crabgrass!
Make a one-time online payment
To make a one-time, secure payment on account to Ultralawn Inc., using a credit card or debit card, you will need the following information: Customer Number The Customer Number is a unique 4- or 5-digit number associated with each property we service. It can be found on your invoice or statement of account. If you have trouble locating it, please call us. Service Property Address We will need to know the street address, city and zip code of your property we service, which may or may not be your credit card billing address. We will match it against the Customer Number. Contact Information In the unlikely event of a problem or question regarding your payment, we ask that you provide a contact email address and contact phone number. A receipt and an acknowledgement with full details of the transaction will be emailed to you after successful submission of your payment. Payment Information You will be asked to enter a payment amount, in dollars and cents, and to provide a credit card number, the name on the card, the card expiration date, and the 3- or 4-digit CVV security number on the card. Your payment will be processed immediately and you will receive confirmation in seconds. Your receipt and acknowledgement will then be emailed to you. Please allow up to two business days for your payment to be reflected in your account balance.
Have a question or need help? Call (216) 731-7756
Ultralawn Incorporated 1280 East 286th Street Euclid, OH 44132
Ultralawn Incorporated 1280 East 286th Street Euclid, OH 44132
Crabgrass is incredibly hearty and actually thrives in conditions where turf-grass struggles. Crabgrass seeds can lay dormant for years, waiting to emerge when conditions are favorable. Crabgrass prefers hot, dry weather. It has the upper hand against your turf during the dog days of summer. By the time you see crabgrass, the large-scale invasion is already underway. The best measure you can take is a pre-emergent treatment early in the year.
There’s nothing dandy about Dandelions!
Dandelions are the official sign that spring has sprung! Dandelions have a deep root system that makes it extremely difficult to control by just trying to pull them out of the ground. Our specially formulated broadleaf weed control will control dandelions and other broadleaf weeds all throughout the season.
Take the Bite Out of Mosquitoes!
Mosquitoes are not only annoying, but also carry harmful diseases. Our multistep approach to mosquito treatment breaks the mosquito lifecycle. By treating the mosquito’s habitat, mosquito larvae and adult mosquitoes, we can eliminate the pest from your yard. We target shrubs and plants with a barrier spray that kills mosquitoes on contact and acts as an effective mosquito repellent for weeks. The barrier spray eliminates the biters for 21-28 days. After the application has dried, approximately 30 minutes after the spraying, the yard is ready for family and pets! Ultralawn will return for mosquito control every three to four weeks to keep the pests from returning. We train our pest exterminators on the most effective pest control treatments to maximize results and minimize hazards. We use products that have been EPA-approved for residential use, and designed each of our programs to be tough on bugs but gentle for your family and pets, so you can rest easy knowing that you’re in good hands throughout the pest control treatment process.